Healthy Eating
Nutrition Education for Wellness at the University of Hawaii
Hawaii’s Nutrition Education for Wellness (NEW) provides nutrition education and training through several programs and projects across the Islands. Learn more
Start Living Healthy is the Hawaii State Department of Health's (DOH) statewide health promotion campaign. Check out these fun tools to help keiki learn about healthy living. Learn more
The mission of Hawai‘i Foods is to improve the health of Hawai‘i’s people by providing food and nutrient information to assist them in making healthier dietary choices. Because the foods eaten in Hawai‘i reflect the cultural range of its people, this website contains nutrient information on foods typically found in Western, Asian, Pacific Islander, and other “local” diets. Learn more
A farm to school initiative that connects children to their local land, waters, and food to grow their own food and make wise food decisions, and reduce waster. Learn more
It is possible to bring healthy dishes that are tasty, simple and relatively inexpensive to your next pot luck. Check out these ideas.
Healthy Children, Nutrition and the American Academy of Pediatrics
Find extensive resources to help you and your child or adolescent get the best nutrition. Learn more
IFIC: International Food Information Council Foundation
Your nutrition and food safety resource. The IFCI is dedicated to the mission of effectively communicating science-based information on health, nutrition, and food safety for the public good. Learn more
Parents and caregivers play a key role in not only making healthy choices for children and teaching children to make healthy choices for themselves. But in today’s busy world, this isn’t always easy. So Let’s Move! offers parents and caregivers the tools, support and information they need to make healthier choices while instilling healthy eating habits in children that will last a lifetime. Learn more
Fruits and Veggies More Matters
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Health and Human Services’ Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 recommends that Americans make half their plate fruits and vegetables for meals and snacks, as demonstrated by the MyPlate nutrition guide. Given the increase of chronic diseases among all age groups, eating a diet rich in a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables is more important than ever. Fruits & Veggies—More Matters is here to make the healthy choice also an easy choice.
Center for Disease Control – Rethink Your Drink
What Do You Drink? It Makes More Difference Than You Think!
Calories in drinks are not hidden (they're listed right on the Nutrition Facts label), but many people don't realize just how many calories beverages can contribute to their daily intake. Learn more
Did you know that childhood obesity is the No. 1 health concern among parents in the United States, topping drug abuse and smoking? Parents and caregivers are essential decision-makers when it comes to the nutrition, physical activity and health needs of their children. Learn more about how you can make a difference at home.
This Food Revolution is about saving America's health by changing the way people eat. It's not just a TV show; it's a movement for you, your family and your community. If you care about your kids and their future, take this revolution and make it your own. Educate yourself about food and cooking, and find out what your child is eating at school. Make only a few small changes and magical things will happen. Learn more
Healthy Eating Mobile Apps
Fooducate - App to guide healthier eating options:
Just in time for the new government dietary guidelines, an app to help you adhere to healthier eating. Learn more
App to Help with Calorie Counting and Weight Loss
The hardest part about losing weight doesn’t necessarily involve diet and exercise. Rather, the challenge can sometimes be setting a plan and having the discipline—and organization—to stick with it. Lose It is a comprehensive nutritional tracker can help you stay organized, motivated, and healthy. Learn more